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The Future of Hispanics in Higher Education

The Future of Hispanics in Higher Education

U.S. Hispanic enrollment in higher education has never been greater, Yvette Donado noted in her keynote address at the Latino Institute’s annual conference Wednesday in Princeton, N.J., meaning now is the time to address opportunities for expanding the role of Hispanics in education.

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ASU Preparatory Academy hosts enrollment sessions

ASU Preparatory Academy hosts enrollment sessions

Administrators at ASU’s Preparatory Academy-Polytechnic campus will host a series of information sessions this month to discuss enrollment for the upcoming school year. The information sessions will provide parents and students with an overview of the internationally-recognized Cambridge Curriculum and

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Phoenix en la mira

Phoenix en la mira

Por Mariela Gomez de Ell En momentos en que El presidente  Obama, afirmó  que existen “voces poderosas” que buscan impedir el voto en el Congreso para el control de las armas de fuego y que sería más que vergonzoso olvidar

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Cinco Scholarship Tips for Latinos

Cinco Scholarship Tips for Latinos

Going to college is not getting any cheaper, and imminent financial aid budget cuts are not helping either. That is why Latinos must take advantage of scholarships to make their higher education endeavors a reality.  A recent study by NerdScholar found that

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Disney On Ice reduce precios al donar útiles escolares

Disney On Ice reduce precios al donar útiles escolares

Disney On Ice presents Treasure Trove llega a Phoenix para presentarse en el US Airways Center del 11 al 14 de abril. Como evento especial de pre-venta, Feld Entertainment ofrecerá ¡un descuento considerable en la compra de boletos por un

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ASU Scholar-In-Residence Leo Chavez

ASU Scholar-In-Residence Leo Chavez

Arizona State University’s Comparative Border Studies strategic research initiative will host Leo Chavez as the spring 2013 Scholar-In-Residence for three public lectures Monday, Wednesday and Friday March 18, 20 and 22. Leo Chavez will be speaking on the ASU Tempe

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La caída de la lideresa más poderosa de México

La caída de la lideresa más poderosa de México

Por Mariela Gomez de Ell Auto de formal prisión dictamino finalmente un juez de la ciudad de México Alejandro Caballero Vertiz para la ahora ex lideresa del Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores por la Educación (SNTE), Elba Esther Gordillo, por lo

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Rancho Solano provides 60,000 Family Meals for Hungry

Rancho Solano provides 60,000 Family Meals for Hungry

Rancho Solano Preparatory School and the Feeding Children Everywhere non-profit are partnering to package more than 60,000 meals for hungry children in Arizona and Haiti.  This event will occur on Saturday, March 2, 9 a.m. – noon. The60,000-plus meals will

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First Lady honors art education in Hispanic schools

First Lady honors art education in Hispanic schools

WHITE HOUSE – U.S. first lady Michelle Obama honored the work of a dozen projects promoting the development of art and the humanities in education, notably the Paso Nuevo/New Step bilingual school of theater, and a program for preserving mariachi

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Bill would help students remain in same charter school system

Bill would help students remain in same charter school system

By Lauren SariaCronkite News Arizona charter schools: • 535 charter schools • 142,368 students in the 2012-13 school year • 25 percent of the state’s public schools • 13.5 percent of all public school students • 44.2 percent enrollment growth

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