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Latino Education Tied to Arizona's Economic Future

Latino Education Tied to Arizona's Economic Future

The Latino education gap in Arizona took center stage last week when educators, state leaders and business community members attended a forum on the “State of Hispanic Education” in Tucson. “Arizona is basically an hourglass state where one part of

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ASU Hosts Young Students For Summer Scholars Program

ASU Hosts Young Students For Summer Scholars Program

Almost 300 Arizona middle school students recently moved into the residence halls of Barrett, The Honors College at Arizona State University’s Tempe campus. The students will engage in an intensive two-week program in which they will study journalism, engineering, sustainability,

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Education Initiative to Boost Latinos in Computer Science

Education Initiative to Boost Latinos in Computer Science

By Liliana Llamas  Computers have completely changed our lives – but what has not changed significantly is that very few Latinos, as well as females and other minorities – enter the field. “Computer science is transforming our society,” says National Science

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ASU graduates join Teach For America to give back

ASU graduates join Teach For America to give back

Biological sciences major Matt Estrada found his high school science education lacking when he first came to Arizona State University and discovered that some of his classmates had studied anatomy before. Flash forward four years and the 2013 ASU graduate

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ASU Hispanic Business Association seeks active board members

ASU Hispanic Business Association seeks active board members

The ASU Hispanic Business Alumni Association (HBA) is looking for Board Members who have an interest in helping to make a difference in our community. The mission of HBA is to provide the means to achieve academic success and ensure

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ASU's new Future Sun Devil Families graduates first classes

ASU's new Future Sun Devil Families graduates first classes

Donna Snyder is one parent among hundreds who are graduating this week from an innovative new program that ASU recently piloted at four schools in the West Valley. The ASU Future Sun Devil Families initiative will help more Arizona students

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Latinos Surpass Whites In College Enrollment For The First Time, Study Shows

Latinos Surpass Whites In College Enrollment For The First Time, Study Shows

ArizonaLatinos staff Are more Latinos than ever wanting to attend college to open doors to the American Dream, or are they continuing their education because good-paying jobs are scarce out there. The Pew Hispanic Center released a poll that found

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No permitamos que nuestros niños vivan un futuro incierto

No permitamos que nuestros niños vivan un futuro incierto

Por Victoria Ortiz La cultura es la herencia que nos da nuestro país de origen, nuestra etnia y nacionalidad. La cultura traspasa fronteras y los factores sociales y culturales que conservamos influyen y son determinantes para el desarrollo de una

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DREAMer students explain why immigration reform is important

DREAMer students explain why immigration reform is important

By Taylor Pineda The Dream is Now, a film by Davis Guggenheim that was screened April 30 at ASU did more than just show the tremendous courage of undocumented youth. It also showed the relevance of productive young people who

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Latina ASU scholar awarded Fulbright to study in Mexico

Latina ASU scholar awarded Fulbright to study in Mexico

By Natasha Karaczan Samantha de Palo, a student in Barrett, the Honors College at Arizona State University, has been granted a prestigious Fulbright Scholarship to teach English in Mexico. ASU is one of the top 10 producers of Fulbright Scholars

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