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Tag "Smoking"

Study Reveals Why Some Smokers Get Cancer and Others Don’t

Ever wondered why some people, despite the risks of smoking, are able to live a long, cancer-free life?  New research from UCLA has taken on the subject and as it turns out — it’s in the genes.  They found that

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Calls for Doctors Replace Handshake Amid Fears it Spreads Disease

Researchers are reaching out to doctors to give up shaking patient’s hands and say that the practice could be as harmful as smoking. Their suggestion? to use a wave or a bow to be used instead of a handshake. The

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Women who smoke just 100 cigarettes in their lifetime are '30% more likely to get breast cancer'

Many social smokers believe they don’t puff on enough cigarettes to be at risk of serious side effects. But new research shows that smoking just 100 cigarettes in a lifetime increases a woman’s chance of developing breast cancer by 30

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