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White House Picks 4 for Arizona Federal Court

White House Picks 4 for Arizona Federal Court

By Chad Garland          Cronkite News        WASHINGTON – The White House Thursday nominated four people to vacant judgeships on the U.S. District Court of Arizona, apparently clearing the way for a long-stalled fifth nomination to proceed in the process. Maricopa

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Propuesta de Reforma Migratoria, muy pronto para celebrar…

Propuesta de Reforma Migratoria, muy pronto para celebrar…

Por Mariela Gomez De Ell  Se convirtió  la noticia en momentos de alegría  e incluso de euforia que genero confusión entre nuestra comunidad y más aún entre los indocumentados. Titulares como “HISTORICO VOTO” “SE FIRMA LA REFORMA MIGRATORIA” “TRIUNFO DE LOS

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A Year Later, Half Eligible for DACA Have Applied

A Year Later, Half Eligible for DACA Have Applied

By Emilie Eaton          Cronkite News       WASHINGTON – A year after the Obama administration said it would defer deportation of immigrants who were brought into the country illegally as children, only about half of eligible Arizonans have applied for the

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Ya no hay pretextos para no votar Arizona!

Ya no hay pretextos para no votar Arizona!

Por Mariela Gomez De Ell   Todavía festejan los defensores de los derechos de los inmigrantes y activistas a favor del voto  la decisión de  La Suprema Corte de Estados Unidos que  fallo  en contra de la ley en Arizona que

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Report: Focus on security overshadows economic, other border benefits

Report: Focus on security overshadows economic, other border benefits

By Nela Lichtscheidl Cronkite News Up on the border Highlights of “The State of the Border Report,” a comprehensive look at the state of the Southwest border. • The U.S. is Mexico’s top trading partner; Mexico is the United States’

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Reyna Montoya: Harnessing the power of community

Reyna Montoya: Harnessing the power of community

By Taylor Pineda Reyna Montoya’s story is truly a testament to what an impact community involvement can have over people’s lives. “After 1,838 signatures and 256 faxes, and after my dad had already spent nine months in detention, our community

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Una voz mas entre millones por un sueño americano

Una voz mas entre millones por un sueño americano

Por Mariela Gomez de Ell Supero su temor a volar en avión por primera vez en su vida para formar parte de una comitiva con fines sociales.  Paty Llego junto con un grupo grande de Activistas .religiosos, artistas y miles

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