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The Future of the American Currency

The Future of the American Currency

By: Taylor Pineda  People have not hesitated to express their opinions about the newly released $100.00 bill. It includes more holographic elements and patriotic designs than the previous bills. Benjamin Franklin still predominantly shows a sly smirk on the front of the

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Nuevo Lanzamiento del Programa Familias de Futuros Sun Devils de ASU.

Nuevo Lanzamiento del Programa Familias de Futuros Sun Devils de ASU.

El programa Familias de Futuros Sun Devils de ASU ayudará a más estudiantes y a sus familias a prepararse para la universidad. Los participantes atenderán talleres interactivos cada mes a través del año escolar y aprenderán a familiarizarse con el

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Meet the Latina Beauties of the 2013 Miss USA Pageant

Meet the Latina Beauties of the 2013 Miss USA Pageant

Miss USA 2013 has its share of Hispanic contestants and we are making sure the spotlight is on them! The prestigious pageant has the participation of some of America’s most beautiful women. Be sure to check out the pageant, hosted

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Arizona posts one of nation’s steepest teen birth drops, but rate remains high

Arizona posts one of nation’s steepest teen birth drops, but rate remains high

By Jonathan Reid Cronkite News Mommy rarest Chart by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Teen birth rates fell 25 percent in the U.S. between 2007 and 2011, with rates in Arizona falling even faster, according to a new report

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Cinco Scholarship Tips for Latinos

Cinco Scholarship Tips for Latinos

Going to college is not getting any cheaper, and imminent financial aid budget cuts are not helping either. That is why Latinos must take advantage of scholarships to make their higher education endeavors a reality.  A recent study by NerdScholar found that

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La calle es nuestra unica esperanza dicen los jornaleros, al ganar la batalla contra Brewer

La calle es nuestra unica esperanza dicen los jornaleros, al ganar la batalla contra Brewer

Por Mariela Gomez de Ell Un golpe bajo  para la gobernadora de Arizona y un gran triunfo para los jornaleros que podrán seguir pidiendo trabajo en las calles, fueron los encabezados de varios periódicos a nivel nacional. El pasado  4

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