Please Stop! 5 Ways Bad Manners Can Ruin Your Next Business Meeting
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Sit up straight, don’t chew with your mouth open, keep your elbows off the table — we all tell our children to do so, but why is it that as adults we can sometimes forget?
Bad manners not only send off a bad impression, but it can also affect your career. That’s why we’ve come up with a list of things that can make or break the success of your next business meeting. Remember, it’s the small things and actions that make all the difference. Making these small adjustments will help you come across as a professional, exceeding all expectations with whomever you’re meeting.
1. Yawning — It may sound obvious, but you might be surprised to know we all do this more often that we think. Attend your meetings well-rested, it shows that you care and you consider the person you’re meeting with (and their time) important. Yawning might send the wrong message; telling the other person you’ve dragged yourself to that meeting, and are therefore not fully invested.
2. Texting — Please, please, please drop the phone. Just like dating, being on your phone while an important meeting is underway is inappropriate — and rude. Again, you’re telling the person you’re meeting with that whatever you’re checking on your phone is more important than the conversation they’re trying to have with you.
3. Money Talks — Be extra picky with money talk. Talking about money in itself is uncomfortable, but when you bring up money when it’s not necessary, it might send off all the wrong messages. For example, asking about that new purse, or how much they’re spending on car payments is off-limits. That’ll just make you seem nosy.
4. Body Language — Body language is everything! Just like yawning, if you’re slouching, putting your feet up on the table, even slurping on coffee, it shows you have bad manners. It also sends the message that you’re unprofessional, and it might turn people off, making them not want to work with you.
Don’t get too comfortable — always sit up straight and acknowledge that you’re listening by nodding and making eye contact. Again, make the other person feel important and that you appreciate them meeting with you.
5. Be prepared. No questions asked! — Did you forget something to write with? Your business cards? If so, then you’re starting off with the wrong foot! Being prepared is basic — before heading off to that meeting, make time to go over a mental list of everything: pens, notepad, business cards, documents, and anything else you might need.