7 Spanglish Phrases Every Latino Has

7 Spanglish Phrases Every Latino Has
From mitu.com –
“The best part about Latinx culture is that we often take phrases everyone knows and give them our own spin. At first glance you might not realize that both of these phrases are exactly the same but, in reality they totally are! It’s like left Twix and right Twix…both Twix, but totally different!
Once you read through all of these, you’ll jajaja the rest of the day.
1. Troca/Truck
When it’s time to pile in all of your tías and little cousins, you tell them to hop in the troca. Every Latino knows that this means truck.
2. Yarda/Yard
Yarda and yard are so interchangeable it’s honestly hard to remember which came first. We’ve been hearing our abuelitas and mamis call it the yarda our entire life.
3. Carpeta/carpet
We all know the dread we feel when our mom yells at us to vacuum the carpeta on Saturday morning when we’d rather be just chilling.
4. Te hablo pa´tras/I’ll call you back
Known as the phrase you say the most to your mami when she calls you after work. Also, the phrase you say to your tías, abuelita and your little sister who constantly blows up your phone. You’re just busy living your life!
5. Parqueadero/parking lot
Growing up using “parqueadero” is a rite of Latino passage.
6. Un breakecito/a break (as in give me a break)
This is a phrase often used when watching telenovelas with your familia. The doctor had an evil twin this whole time? Un breakecito.
7. Lonche/lunch
Latinos know how important eating is, and lonche is one of the best parts of anyone’s day.
All of these phrases are almost identical to the English versions of them but the differences are what make them so fun.”