Who Is: Miguel Montero, D-Backs Catcher

Miguel Montero is a catcher wearing No. 26 with the Arizona Diamondbacks. This season he has hit 9 home runs and batted in 34 runs. He is 30 years old and born in Caracas, Venezuela. From a young age he knew he loved the sport, and started playing in little leagues. His first memories are all of playing baseball. Miguel left Venezuela at age 18 to play professional baseball.
His parents are both from Spain; they moved at a young age to Caracas, met and fell in love there. Miguel is the only boy, and he has two older sisters. His father passed away four years ago in March. His mom still lives in Venezuela, where Miguel loves to visit with family and friends.
Miguel is married to Vanessa Montero, mother of his two children. He regularly visits a Venezuelan restaurant here in Phoenix called My Arepa to satisfy his cravings for Arepas, Empanadas and Patacones. Miguel loves to dance, and said everything that he hears he dances to. “Lo que me pogan lo bailo,” he said.
AZLatinos.com conducted an exclusive interview with Miguel in which he shares his feelings and offers insights about his life and career with the D-backs.
AZL: You have grown and have been with the Diamondbacks organization for your entire career. What does this mean to you?
MM: I feel great and proud, I have done my job for this organization; it’s a great opportunity and I am very grateful for that.
AZL: Do you see the Diamondbacks winning the World Series?
MM: The road is hard and you have to work hard for it. Winning the World Series is our goal and we aim towards that.
AZL: You are the face of the team, how do you feel about that responsibility?
MM: No one has really said or declared that I am the face of the team; it is more of an assumption However, I take my position very serious, I like to help and I think that leading by example is the way to go.
I don’t feel like the leader or the face of the team, I love playing this sport and I respect this sport. I make sure that I help everyone I can as many times as I can.
AZL: What do you do off the field?
MM: I am at home with my kids Angel y Camila, Angel is 3 and Camila is 2. We play and enjoy quality time at home.
AZL: Are you a fan of social media?
MM: Not really, I prefer to keep my life private, occasionally I do Twitter; however, I’m not a big fan of having my life open to the public.
AZL: What was the best advice you were given by your parents?
MM: Never give up, always stay positive and enthusiastic; If other people do it you can do it too. My parents always said if someone else in class gets a high grade, you can also get a high grade.
AZL: What do you think of Latina women?
MM: (His answer was short and quick) Bella; divina.
AZL: You got hurt not too long ago, how does that make you feel?
MM: Depressing, sad; I want to go help my team mates and the feeling of frustration takes over me. I love to play….imagine how it feels,
AZL: What messages do you have for Arizona Latinos?
MM: Don’t give up! Latinos are united and we can overcome many obstacles.
Miguel Montero really stressed that as a man and leader you have to show respect and respect each other. It is important to lead by providing a good example. “I can’t tell another player to go pitch if I don’t do it myself, I can’t tell another team mate to practice if I don’t practice. You gain people’s admiration by respecting them,” he said.