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Tag "senator john mccain"

What Penzone Sheriff’s Office, Trump, McCain Regime Could Hold For AZ?

What Penzone Sheriff’s Office, Trump, McCain Regime Could Hold For AZ?

By Lorin McLain The victory of Paul Penzone over Joe Arpaio is one of the few bright spots for Arizona Democrats in an election that saw the nation go heavy red. Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio released a congratulatory statement Tuesday night,

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McCain Seeks Repeal of the Affordable Health-Care Plan

McCain Seeks Repeal of the Affordable Health-Care Plan

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) spoke to a town hall meeting at the Phoenix Better Business Bureau on Friday, Sept. 16. The senators discussed their dismay with Obamacare and called for its repeal and replacement. (Joshua

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