Habits that Progress Aging
The fountain of youth may exist to us in different ways. Some may look for this mysterious legend through pricy cosmetic products, some may go to the extremes of plastic surgery, and some may even choose not to combat the wear and tear of life.
We’ve all heard that laughter is good for the soul, but there may be some other habits we have glorified, and instead are doing just the opposite. Check out these habits below that have negative implications on the way we age.
◾Listening to loud music: Expanding on the concept of aging, not all factors have to do with appearance. When listening to music and television, make sure to keep the volume at the lowest level possible to spare your hearing.
◾ Vegetables are packed with antioxidants, and need to be eaten every day to see the benefits of aging with grace. In addition, regulating the amount of sugar we consume and the water we drink daily have extreme long-lasting effects on our overall health and appearance.
◾Skin Care: It is important to have a good skin care regimen. What would be an adequate amount of cleansing cream, moisturizer, or toner? It is not recommended to pile on cream after cream, but rather find essential products that work best for you. Keep in mind that some ingredients even react with one another and could cause irritation.
◾”Yo-yo dieting” is unhealthy and limiting to maintaining an overall good physique. Consequences of yo-yo dieting lead to irregular digestive systems as well as stretched out skin that may not go back to its original state. Losing weight is not a bad thing as long as it’s done so through healthy diet and exercise.
◾Sleep: You might not realize it, but sleeping on your stomach may speed up aging because of how skin gets mashed against your pillow. This constant pressure on your face can cause a breakdown in collagen and elastin and can contribute to sagging areas and wrinkles.