Dry Shampoo

By admin November 1, 2012 20:22
By Lisa Fresa Palacios
Gone are the days when we have all the time in the world to primp and doll ourselves up.  Women fill many roles of occupancy and responsibility which leaves us little to no time to wash our hair.  Im lucky if I have 30 minutes to get ready in the morning and many of you can relate. 
Dry shampoo/ hair powder has been around for many centuries.  However now its been taken to another level and modernized into a product high in demand!! 
Who can use it??
Any one who wants to extend the life of their blow-out, wants volume or wants to camouflage roots. 
What is it??  
Dry shampoo is a talc like substance which absorbs grease from sebaceous glands.  It comes in three forms aerosol, liquid spray and a powder form.  The ones i found to work best are the aerosol and the powder form.  I personally use Rene Furterer Naturia dry shampoo its light and manageable, for someone trying to camouflage roots Bumble and Bumble hair power comes in five colors and it works wonders on covering grey.  Its good to always test them prior to purchase they all vary dramatically and each suit different needs. 
Why use it??
It is recommended to wash your hair as infrequent as possible.  Washing your hair will strip the natural oils and cause dryness, breakage and will fade color faster.  Using hair powder will absorb the oils and refresh your hair do.  Its great for instant volume and after an intense workout.   Even if your hair is clean its a great texturizing product for sexy beach hair. 
How to use it??
Applying hair powder is tricky at first.  Less is more ladies!!! Start out with a small amount whether you spray it on or sprinkle it on (depending on the form of powder) try it out before shampooing so you can play with product and determine how you like it and how much.  I recommend testing it first because once applied nothing will remove it unless you shampoo it.  Its fantastic and potent.  Many of them if sprayed too close will leave a white residue, if so massage it in and next time spray it further back.  Many powders come colored, great for a quick-fix before a evening out. 
Enjoy and pass the secret on to all your beautiful amigas!!!
Lisa Fresa Palacios
I would love to answer your questions!!! Please email Lisa Fresa Palacios @ Fresapalacios@yahoo.com
By admin November 1, 2012 20:22

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