Poll: Latinos Would Vote for Republican for President Who Endorsed Immigration Reform

Those who’ve been saying immigration reform insults Latino voters should take a look at this recent poll.
A poll of Hispanic voters by Latino Decisions and immigrant advocacy group America’s Voice indicates that Latinos would be more likely to vote for a Republican presidential candidate that endorses immigration reform.
Pollsters read a prompt explaining three prominent Republicans’ pro-immigrant positions and then asked respondents whether they would vote for them. All three of them — Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fl.), Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and former Governor of Florida Jeb Bush — topped 40 percent, with Rubio scoring as high as 54 percent.
“Republicans don’t need to win the Latino vote outright, they just need to stop losing it so badly,” Matt Barreto of Latino Decisions wrote in a blog post explaining the results.