Gov. Pence Promises Phoenix Trump Plan Details

By Editor August 4, 2016 10:21

By Lorin McLain

Donald Trump is going to reveal a plan next week on how he’s going to make America great again. That was the promise given to a thousand or so supporters who braved a monsoon downpour to hear Trump running mate and Indiana Governor Mike Pence at a rally at the Phoenix Convention Center Tuesday night. Pence was given a warm introduction by Sheriff Joe Arpaio and former Arizona Governor Jan Brewer.

Arpaio promised supporters Trump made a great choice in choosing his running mate and said he felt in his gut a long time ago Trump would be the nation’s next president. “I feel very sad for the heat he’s taken from the media,” Sheriff Joe proclaimed to a chorus of boos. “There’s a silent majority out there, but it’s not silent any more,” he said, encouraging the crowd “not to listen to all the garbage you hear from the other side.”

Brewer followed and told the crowd how much she admired her fellow former Red State governor. “He’s a truth teller just like me,” she said. “He’s not afraid to call a Christmas Tree a Christmas Tree, a terrorist a terrorist.” Brewer segued her introduction with a tirade targeting Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, accusing her of “playing the woman card.” Allowing the crowd to have a minute for the now requisite “Lock her up” refrain at Trump rallies, Brewer told supporters “I never asked anyone to vote for me because I was a woman.” Brewer assured attendees that once elected, the first thing Trump and Pence will do is “secure our border and build that wall.”.

Pence opened his rallying speech with a message of unity. “For a while it seemed he was out there doing it all by himself, but now we are united!” He pledged to chants of “Trump! Trump! Trump!” Pence said he admired his running mate because he “doesn’t tiptoe around the thousand rules of political correctness” and taking on the mainstream media. Pence urged supporters to “decide here in Arizona that Hillary Clinton will never become president of the United States of America.” Pence pointed to the rise of ISIS as a testament to the “failed Obama and Clinton foreign policy.”

“We can’t have four more years of accommodating our enemies and abandoning our friends,” he said, claiming that Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei on Tuesday distanced himself from the country’s nuclear agreement with western powers. Pence said destroying ISIS is the key to American security, and pledged that Trump would rebuild the military and give it everything it needs to defeat ISIS.

Pence then touted his economic success as governor of Indiana, claiming it has the second lowest unemployment rate for veterans. Pence stated that “when Donald Trump becomes the next president of the United States, the change will be HUGE!” The governor stressed enormity in the stakes of the next election, and promised Donald Trump would “restore law and order all across America.” He said the election would decide the direction of the Supreme Court, and ultimately protecting the second amendment and unborn children from abortion. “It may be the most consequential choice we make as a nation,” he warned. Pence told supporters the choice was quite simple: If you want a man who will cut taxes, defeat Isis, restore the military, uproot the status quo of Washington, and choose conservative Supreme Court justices, vote for Donald Trump.

Pence addressed a question from an attendee who asked about what a Trump administration would do about sanctuary cities, in which a city doesn’t follow state or federal regulation of immigrants who may be in the country illegally. The man warned Phoenix voters would likely pass such a designation. Pence promised it would not be allowed under a Trump administration. Protestors were absent from the rally, except for one individual who came out from the back as the rally was ending and screamed “Donald Trump is a racist!”  He was escorted out, while the crowd screamed back “USA! USA!”

By Editor August 4, 2016 10:21

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