St. Vincent de Paul and Walmart Distributed 2,500 Turkeys to Families in Need

By Editor November 20, 2017 12:27

St. Vincent de Paul and Walmart Distributed 2,500 Turkeys to Families in Need

On Saturday, Nov. 18, 2,500 families received turkeys just in time for Thanksgiving, thanks to Walmart’s Extra Helping program.

The turkey distribution is the finale of Walmart’s month-long Extra Helping campaign to collect donations on behalf of St. Vincent de Paul’s food bank. In addition to collecting $12,500 in customer donations at the register for St. Vincent de Paul, Walmart matched every $10 donation with a donation of a turkey.  As a result, Walmart is donating 1,250 turkeys and St. Vincent de Paul is providing the additional 1,250 turkeys for the giveaway.

These turkeys will go a long way to help feed hungry families this Thanksgiving. Each family receiving a turkey on Nov. 18 was selected by St. Vincent de Paul’s food bank program.

St V Turkey

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul has been working to feed, clothe, house and heal central and northern Arizona families since 1946. Programs include services for the homeless, medical and dental care for the working poor, charity dining rooms, thrift stores, a transitional housing shelter and general assistance for individuals in need. For more information about St. Vincent de Paul, please visit

By Editor November 20, 2017 12:27

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