Edy Ganem Talks About Being A Working Mami

Edy Ganem Talks About Being A Working Mami
by Verky Arcos
Tell us about Created Equal?
Created Equal was such as a fantastic script. It made me think and question all these ideas that I never questioned before like, “Why can’t women be priests?” and these thoughts led me to think, “Wow, this movie could be a conversation.” The character, Aly Batista, is a strong woman that you would look up to. Her whole life is about her true calling from God, that’s all she cared about. It was a very different character for me and made me such a better actress by making me think thoughtfully and compare myself to the character.
How did you handle working while being a new mami?
It was such a touching experience. My baby was with me the whole time in New Orleans. He was six months old at the time. My brother, who is an actor too, took off of work and came to be with me for a month to watch the baby and he was fantastic. He is younger than me and was great!!
Amazing! How do you find motherhood so far?
Everyone tells you how incredible it is, but until you go through with it, you don’t realize it. I always have important women, but now I have this admiration for them. We, women, are the power of the world. We bring life and what we do is incomparable to anything else.
Do you speak to him in Spanish?
We talk mostly Spanish to him all day and some English when my husband comes home from work because he is Canadian and speaks English. I want him to be bilingual from very young and, hopefully, in school, he can learn one or two more languages. I think in life that is something we should all do. Before our parents wanted to assimilate and now it’s more like, yea, we’ll assimilate, but we will also keep who we are. Our generation embraces being bilingual more than before, which shows progress.
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Is there anything culturally you don’t want to pass to your son?
Yes. Sometimes in Spanish, we tend to be a bit more racial in a way that’s not so politically correct, so my dad will be like, “Oh, that little kid who is a particular race” and we don’t use race as an adjective. You don’t have to say it; it doesn’t matter what race you are. To us, you just say, “He is playing with a girl or boy,” so I correct those nuances. The same thing with respecting females. Like because she’s a girl, you have to be careful, and I get there are some differences, but maybe its because she’s a baby not because she is weaker. I also focus on teaching him to be a strong man that stands up for himself.
Working on a second one?
Yes, I am!
Source: Latina