Attain Your Dream Job: Job Interview Tips from the Maricopa Community College District Office (MCCD)

By admin December 8, 2014 07:00

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By: Jessica Danielle Ramirez 

You did it! You’ve earned your diploma and you’re ready for the real world. You’ve made your mistakes in college, listened to the wisdom from your mentors, and your professors have polished you bright.

Now, it’s time to apply for the jobs you’ve fantasized about since grade school.

Your vision is clear, but the path to landing the dream job is a blur. So what do you want to be? It may sound like a typical question, but anything is possible. With tips from a CIO who has made it to the top, you too can woo your potential boss and climb the career ladder in spectacular fashion.

But first, it starts with the interview process. From application to application, the competition is real and the process of you just getting your foot in the door of a company you love can feel both exciting and discouraging.

There are two important variables to look at when selecting a new hire. Edward Kelty, CIO of Maricopa Community College District Office said, “We look at their mechanical skillset. For example, if they’re a project manager, hopefully they’ll have a lot of skillset and training. Another thing I look for is their personality and how they’ll interact with the organization.”

There are people who are shy and reserved – outgoing and extroverted; but your social skills won’t necessarily make or break your job prospects if you happen to be a good “fit” for the company..

There’s no doubt that interviews can be nerve wrecking, but there are several things to keep in mind when going through the process.

Dress appropriately. Whatever you wore to your internship, wear. Whatever you wore out to with your friends on the weekend, don’t. Looking professional is an essential part of beginning your career and gaining professional respect in the work place.

Know the company you’re applying for. “If someone comes in and has no clue about the organization and they’re asking questions, which you could go to any website and see, then they look unprepared,” Kelty said. Part of preparing for an interviewing is knowing about the organization and their vision like the back of your hand – and owning it.

There are many paths to success. Getting an internship may give you a slight boost if you’re applying to the company that taught you.

“They know what some of your skillsets are,” explained Kelty. But like anyone, the hiring committee aren’t mind readers. “Typically you’re graded on what your answers are,” he said. “But the interviewers can’t grade you on what you don’t say.”

Being descriptive and elaborating on key points is necessary, regardless of your relationship with the company or your previous employers.

For the ambitious generation who are ready to start their career, it may seem like a long and rocky path ahead; but remember, it’s the start of a long journey ahead to the top. Whether your goal is to be an engineer or the next CIO, it’s all about learning and putting your best foot forward.

By admin December 8, 2014 07:00

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