The 12 Questions That Will Reveal if You’ve Met The One

By admin July 8, 2015 07:00

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So how do you know if you’ve met the one?

New research has come up with a simple, yet effective way to find out if the relationship you’re in right now is or is not long-term material.

One question you have to ask yourself is: “if I had to become someone else, would I love to be this person or run a mile?” Not only is it an easy question, but it works.

It shows that the people we fall in love with can change us in many ways — some good, some not so good.

The Daily Mail has taken on to sexpert Tracey Cox to list the 12 ultimate questions that can help you determine the suitability of a relationship.

To get a definite thumbs up, make sure you answer yes to at least eight or nine of the following:

  • Does your partner support you in new ventures?
  • Do your friends and family like them?
  • Do your friends and family say they’re a good influence?
  • Do they say thank you when you do something nice for them?
  • Do they forgive without holding a grudge?
  • Do you feel that they see and like ‘the real you’?
  • Do they value themselves without being egotistical?
  • Do you admire who they are?
  • Do they pay little attention to other people who are attractive?
  • Do you feel proud when talking to others about them?
  • Do they like, rather than feel suffocated by, commitment?
  • Do they open up and tell you how they’re feeling?


By admin July 8, 2015 07:00

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