Importance of Donating Food this Holiday Season

By admin November 25, 2013 19:33

donate foodBy Taylor Pineda

“Arizona is tied as the worst state in the U.S. when it comes to child hunger, and the 5th worst for overall food insecurity,” as reported by a Hunger in America Reporter. If these numbers aren’t startling enough, 1 in 4 children, 1 in 5 adults and 1 in 7 seniors struggle with hunger, leaving a huge chunk of our population malnourished and at risk.

Now more than ever is the right time to give back to your community through the donation of food and time. Engaging in donation of time and materials to feed a child or a family that needs the assistance, has potential to put things in perspective. Sometimes stressing over the little things, can remind you that their are more important duties in life, like helping others.

With 74% of households living below the federal poverty line, defined as $22,050 annually for a family of four in past years, and nearly 77% of these households experiencing food insecurities, many organizations have sought to combat hunger and engage communities to take part in their efforts.

In Maricopa County alone, more than 623,300 (16.5%) people live in poverty and of the 16.5%, 26% are children. Due to these statistics, there are on average 21,800 Arizonans receiving emergency food from the United Food Bank Network who is a primary organizer of battling hunger issues in the valley.

To put things in to perspective, 50% report having to choose between buying food and paying for utilities, 41% report having to choose between buying food and paying their rent or mortgage, and 27% report having to choose between buying food and paying for medical care.

These facts are the reality for too many Arizonans, of which many don’t have the means of changing their statistical mark. Every little effort helps to change these statistics. From the joy it brings people who are receiving the contributions, to the implication and moralistic values it places on the families donating, a rewarding, awakening experience for those who contribute in one way or another this holiday season is in store.

To find out more information on hunger facts, how to start a food drive, or where you can donate visit,

By admin November 25, 2013 19:33

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