8 Quotes We’ve All Heard From Our Abuelas

By Editor October 12, 2017 09:27

8 Quotes We’ve All Heard From Our Abuelas

by Ivana Pino

Abuelas hold a special place in every Latina’s heart. From the amazing sopitas and candies they always have set aside just for you, to the sassy remarks they’ve got up their sleeve—these women seem to know it all. Here are some of the best quotes everyone has heard from their abuelas.

MORE: 10 Ways Hillary Clinton is Nothing Like Our Abuelas

1. “Ponte las pilas”

Translation: Put your batteries in

We’ve all heard this one and it’s a good reminder to always stay on your grind. Ponte las pilas is Spanish for “get it together and start working on whatever it is you’re working on.” If there’s anyone who knows how to get under our skin and motivate us, it’s our abuelas.

2. “El diablo sabe más por viejo que por diablo”

Translation: The devil is wiser because he’s old, not because he’s a devil  

This one is a classic. If you’ve ever heard this from your grandma, she was letting you know that just because she’s old doesn’t mean she doesn’t know what’s up. Our abuelas are full of wisdom, so learn everything you can from them.

3. “El que no corre, vuela”


Translation: If you don’t run, you’ll fly away 

If you really want something, you have to fight hard for it, even if it means doing the impossible.  We’ve gotta give it to them, our abuelas always have faith in us, make that your motivation.

4. “Quien adelante no mira, atrás se queda.”


Translation: If you don’t look ahead, you’ll find yourself behind 

If you don’t think ahead, you’ll regret it. Abuelas usually pull this one out when they think you’re getting ahead of yourself and most of the time, they’re right.

5. “Estira los pies hasta donde te llegue la sábana”


Translation: You should only stretch your feet as far as your blanket goes 

Our abuelas have seen it and done it all. More often than not, they know when we’re biting off more than we can chew. This one is for all those times we pushed our luck. In short: know your limits—and in case you don’t, your abuela will make sure to keep you in line.


6. “Si mi abuela fuera bicicleta yo no andará a pies”

Translation: If my grandmother were a bicycle, I’d never walk again   

Our abuelas always have our backs. This one is short for “there isn’t anything your abuela wouldn’t do for you.”

7. “Estás dormido en el metro”


Translation: You’re falling asleep on the subway

This one is probably the shadiest of them all. If your abuela hits you with this one it means you’re slacking.

8. “Todo tiene remedio”

Translation: Everything has a remedy

There’s nothing more reassuring than hearing your abuela say this one. At the end of the day, our abuelas are our very own cheerleaders and they want us to know that even life’s hardest obstacles have solutions.

Source: Latina

By Editor October 12, 2017 09:27

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