5 Useful Tips to Get the Kids Ready for Back to School

By Editor August 8, 2016 00:26

It’s that time of the year again – time to get the kids back on a new sleeping schedule, hit the stores for the best deals on school supplies, and get everyone mentally-prepared for a whole new academic year. But before the inevitable first day of school arrives, there are some things that can help you make your morning routines easier and also help you maintain a peace of mind when they’re off to class.

Sunscreen 101

Triple-digit heat is not a joke in Arizona, and making sure that the kids are protected from the sun is a must. Ensure your kids are well protected by applying sunscreen before they leave the house, and even teach them to reapply before heading to recess. Experts recommend applying sunscreen 30 minutes before kids are exposed to the sun. The Skin Cancer Foundation also reminds parents about key areas of the body to protect, including the child’s ears, the backs of their knees and their hands.




Don’t forget a water bottle!

Even more important than sunscreen is water, so make sure the kiddos stay hydrated. At the store, let them choose their own water bottles to give them an incentive to use it throughout the day – make it their own “special” drinking cup. You can also try infusing water with fruits such as watermelon, strawberries or blueberries. This will make the taste sweeter and more appealing to kids. If all else fails, try a rewards system where you give your child a reward sticker or do a little dance with them when they give you an empty water bottle.




Hair pulled back

This one will help your kids in the classroom. If your child has long hair, then the last thing you want is your child being more concerned with fixing it, twirling it or playing with it all day. Keeping your child’s hair away from their face will help them stay more focused, which can of course, potentially help them do better with their grades. Try different websites like Pinterest and YouTube to find super cute hairstyles to keep those beautiful long locks out of their faces.


Abide by the school’s dress code

Dress codes are nothing new in schools regardless of whether or not your child needs to wear a uniform. Make sure to review the school’s guidelines on dress code before the first day of school, to keep you alert of any changes or updates that can be imposed. Needless to say, staying informed of the school’s dress code will also keep your child out of trouble. If you’re unsure of the school’s dress code guidelines, make sure to contact an administrator and keep an open conversation of what they expect.




Keep a name tag inside their backpack

Your kid’s backpack will go wherever they go, and it contains all of their belongings. You’ll find that most, if not all backpacks include a “tag” inside them. Make this your best friend, writing your child’s name on it and your own contact information to help teachers not only identify who’s the owner of the backpack, but also help them reach you in case of an emergency. You can also use a tag inside of their backpack to your advantage by keeping track of their belongings. Use it as a list of the things they left home with and double check it when they get home to make sure they did not leave anything at school.




Come up with a safe “code” word

This may be one of the most important things to know when it comes to your child’s safety – make them aware of “stranger danger.” When we looked at what experts had to say, most of them agreed with one technique, suggesting you and your child should come up with a family safety code word. This is a word or code that only you and your child know and it can be used as a signal of danger. The word can be as simple as “banana split” or “butterfly.” When explaining to your kids why the need for a code word, try not to alarm them, but explain to them that it’s all part of keeping them safe and protecting them from anything bad happening to them.

By Editor August 8, 2016 00:26

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