AZ Community Leaders, State Legislators Hold Rally Against Trump
(Phoenix, AZ) — A diverse array of community leaders and Arizona legislators are hosting a press conference Friday to speak out against presumptive GOP nominee and counter his message of hate and racial divisiveness. The press conference is being held to announce a Saturday, June 18, rally entitled Demand Dignity and Justice: Reject Hate and Racism.
It’s all happening at the Arizona State Capitol’s Rose Garden.
The Somos América / We Are America Coalition is composed of organizations and individuals whose work involves issues affecting migrant communities. Through the collaborative efforts of our members, We Are America acts as an educational center for immigrant rights organizations as well as a place for coordinated action in order to ensure the realization of our vision.
The organization says the GOP presidential candidate offers a dangerous, anti-American agenda that would return the country to an era of open racism, misogynist attitudes and abuses of free speech and other Constitutional rights.
Somos América will also be holding a peaceful rally at Encanto Park Saturday morning.