Walking 25 Minutes a Day Could Add Up to Seven Years to Your Life

By admin September 2, 2015 07:00

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It’s possible that taking a brief walk every day can have much more benefits than you’d think.

New research has found that walking a mere 25 minutes a day could add up to seven years to your life. Not only that, but it can also cut your risk of dying from a heart attack by half.

The new study was done at St. George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation in London, and said this is especially true for people on their 50s and 60s. The author in the study said people can’t completely avoid becoming old, but regular exercise may delay the time we become old. In other words, you’ll look younger in your 70s and live on to your 90s.

They also remind people that walking is an anti-depressant and improves cognitive function in people. They were able to prove that aerobic exercise — or cardio — is more effective at achieving good health than just lifting weights, and it is more likely to trigger the anti-aging process.

By admin September 2, 2015 07:00

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